Happy New Year!

3 min readJan 29, 2022
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Okay okay, I get it. It’s the 29th of January, literally almost February, and I’m posting a blog titled “Happy New Year”. Sameeta, didn’t you say you’d be more consistent in posting? You’re quite late!

I understand that this doesn’t make sense, but hear me out. Happy New Year cuz it’s been exactly a whole year since I’m blogging. I posted my first blog right here on 29 January 2021. So, in that sense, it is kinda like new year. Or you could also say it’s my blogs birthday! So in that case, happy birthday!

I’m really quite happy that I’m here (that’s the title of my previous blog btw) even after a year. I’ve mentioned this in some previous post, but I’ll state it again that I’m not someone who has had long-lived hobbies. I get interested in something, and then I’m totally invested in it. After a while, however, that peak interest that I have fades away, and I no longer care about it. And that is the end of my hobby. It is because of this cycle that I was worried if my blog will ever survive for a long time. Yes, there were times when I had no desire to write, or even think of things to write about, but we powered through, and now here we are a year later.

It’s been really nice, this little journey I’ve had. There are times when the only highlight of my day was when I was writing. When what I’ve written meets my expectations, it’s just another high. I get so happy when anyone talks to me about my blogs, either that they’ve read some posts or when they’re giving me suggestions. It’s so nice to know that there are a few people out there, who take out the from their day to read what I’ve written, and that makes me so happy!! There are times I notice that old friends or acquaintances that I haven’t been in contact with for a while have also read my blogs. That gets me so excited!! And these are the few things that have motivated me to write more and not allowed me to stop.

But hey, let’s talk about what I find most annoying when I’m blogging. The fact that I’ve gotta edit my posts and add some pictures before posting. Now I know this isn’t a difficult thing to do. It’s really simple and honestly isn’t really time consuming, so I don’t even know why I don’t like it. But I find this step really annoying, and many times I don’t post solely because I know I’ve gotta edit first. And there are times when I edit and then post, but after posting I realise that there are some typos or some grammatical errors in the text. That is the worst!!! I don’t really know why that happens. Then I’ve gotta re-edit and re-post. I just do not like that at all.

However, having this blog has been really fun for me and I’m glad I have this platform. Please do give me your support in this new year and I hope I’ll give you better things to read about. Thank you for reading this far. Bye!!




Hello! I'm a twenty-something college student trying to figure life out, and I’m documenting some parts of my journey with you. Come along! It’ll be fun!!