Just Sadness #2

3 min readJul 23, 2021

I posted a blog titled “Just sadness #1”. I actually wrote that piece a long time ago and left it in my drafts. I wrote that because I just felt really sad about something and I wanted to write my feelings down. That post didn’t really have an introduction or conclusion, it was just my thoughts. And I feel it’s really important to throw formality into the wind and just let your feelings out. So maybe imma do more of these.

Image by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash

COVID is honestly taking the world by storm. It’s been more than a year so it’s no surprise, but even though it’s been so long, people don’t want to change. Many don’t even think it’s necessary to follow safety protocols. It brings me back to the topic of selfishness. People justify that they don’t wanna wear a mask because they don’t think they’ll be affected, but think about others, the people around you. A wrong or careless move from your side could harm so many people. I’ve heard of people who don’t wanna get tested because they fear that they might test positive. What kind of logic is that???!!! By doing that you’re not only risking your own life but putting others, even your loved ones, at risk. What’s worse is that educated people say stuff like this. It’s a literal shame.

What’s really appalling to see at this point is that even though there is a pandemic, people still don’t realise the importance of health. They just wanna go out and do the things they do. I’m not saying that there should be a ban on enjoyment, but you need to know your limits and you’ve gotta take your safety procedures seriously.

The thing that boils my blood the most is that people are trying to work their way around the system. I do want to let y’all know that I’m not 100% certain of all the facts, but I don’t think it’ll come as a shocker when I say that people try to get out of the safety procedures in place by using some very unethical means like bribing officials or using influence. Bribing officials or showing fake documents so that they get out of things like compulsory quarantining is really common. You’ve probably heard about this in the news. Sometimes, I really don’t understand humans.

Speaking of looking at the news, it is so depressing!!! Millions of people getting sick and thousands are dying. My family and I mostly watch Indian news channels, and it’s just really really sad to watch it. The condition is so bad. People are suffering. Who knew oxygen, something we get so freely and take so much too granted for, would be something people want desperately. And if I’m being honest, there’s corruption there too. The rich get treated better and quicker while the poor are just left to die. I mean, isn’t that what always happens. Black marketing is flourishing. Scams and frauds are getting out of control. People are trying to manipulate suffering people just to earn a few extra bucks. Pathetic!!

But no matter how much I rant, the situation is not going to get any better. We’ve all gotta stay together and be smart individuals and do our part, even if it’s in a small way. The sooner we start being humans the better (cuz let’s be honest, humanity has gone for a toss).

Well, that’s a lot of feelings put out there. I hope y’all could understand my point of view and lmk if you feel the same way. And as always thank you for reading this far. Bye!




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