When Boredom Strikes

3 min readFeb 12, 2021

This week really didn’t give me any inspiration to write and that’s because I was super bored. Being bored is honestly one of the worst feelings for me and that’s because it’s so unexplainable, and to make things worse, it’s really hard to get rid of that boredom feeling.

Now you might think that if and when you’re bored, and you find something to do, you get motivated to do it. But that’s not true at all!!! ( In my case at least) Let me explain what I mean. So I’m bored right now because I can’t think of anything to do but then I remember or come up with something to do, but now that I’m so bored, I become lazy too, and this laziness doesn’t let me do anything. Can anyone relate to this? I genuinely hope I’m not the only one.

Now that I’m writing this blog, I’m trying to come up with reasons as to why I get bored. Maybe when I know the reason, I can find a solution. Ok let’s go!

  • When I wake up later than usual. This might be kinda weird to y’all but if I wake up later than I’m used to, my entire day goes for a toss.
  • When no one responds to my texts. This is kinda clingy but it’s true. It’s like, I’m not doing anything because I’m waiting for a response but then nobody’s responding. It’s a bit frustrating too.
  • Long holidays/vacations. Ok don’t get me wrong. Everyone loves a holiday and so do I. But to be honest, it’s fun for a week, two weeks maybe, but more than that and it’s literal torture. And this point was particularly true of 2020 when most of us had to shut in inside our houses.
  • When you’ve gotta do something, but don’t wanna do it. By this I mean homework. “I have to do it but there’s just so much to do and I’m never gonna finish it on time so what’s the point. Let me just not do it. But wait, I have to do it otherwise I’ll get a bad grade.” This is a very normal thought I get every time I’ve gotta do homework and ugh!!!! it’s so annoying.

These are probably the main reasons as to why I get bored and now that I’m thinking about it, sometimes it’s ok to be bored. It’s kinda part of daily life and eventually you’ll get out of those boring phases and go on to do something productive. I think the best way I get out of my “bore” phase is my talking to my friends or my parents. That gets me going. Maybe for some people it’s eating or taking a nap. Whatever it is, I don’t think you’ve gotta beat yourself up when you don’t get things done and it’s ok because these periods of unproductivity are just small and they’ll pass soon. Just remember that you shouldn’t allow yourself to stay in this “bore” phase for way too long.

I didn’t really expect to make this an advice session but it works, I guess. I hope y’all could relate to this and let me know if there’s any particular topic you want me to write about.





Hello! I'm a twenty-something college student trying to figure life out, and I’m documenting some parts of my journey with you. Come along! It’ll be fun!!